5 quotes by Santiago Calatrava
as a young architect myself, I often find myself looking for inspiration in quotes from famous architects. while it is obvious that architects are extremely visual people and researching visual references for inspiration is a must, I believe in the power of words to spark fresh ideas deep inside our minds. for this reason I created this series on my blog, where I research inspiring quotes from inspiring architects for those young architects who, like me, find them useful for their creative process. in this post we will dive into Santiago Calatrava, a notorious Spanish architect, engineer and sculptor whose work often defies paradigms and gravity at the same time. enjoy these 5 quotes by him!
“My goal is always to create something exceptional.” - Santiago Calatrava
2. “What architecture does is what a coat does for our body. It wraps us.” - Santiago Calatrava
3. “A new building should deliver a feeling of hope.” - Santiago Calatrava
4. “Architecture, like dance, is also a language - one that everybody understands.” - Santiago Calatrava
5. “What I do is the opposite of building walls. I build bridges. A build is something that connects instead of separating.” - Santiago Calatrava
i hope you have met a new side to Calatrava through these quotes, which I can only hope you found useful and inspiring. Calatrava’s work is certainly a reflection of his way of thinking, which I tried to portray through this selection of quotes. thank you for reading and if you would like to use any of these quotes as your iphone’s wallpaper, be my guest! you can find those images on my pinterest, link below! have a good one!
text written by: diego guzmán p.
photography: diego guzmán p.